How to Reduce Manufacturing Costs and Save Your Business Money

The manufacturing industry remains a tumultuous and challenging world to operate in. If you were to ask any factory owner what their biggest concerns were, “reducing the cost of doing business” or similar sentiments would probably be at the top of the list.  Reducing manufacturing costs should be…

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The Importance of Ingress Protection Ratings in Electronics: What You Need to Know

One of the greatest concerns for any computer user is dust or water infiltrating the case and damaging the electronics within. This concern is doubled for users in sectors like healthcare and industry, where exposure to liquids and debris is far more likely.  For this reason, computers designed for…

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PC Cooling Solutions: Which One is Right For You?

As you use your computer to read this article, run your hand near the top or back of the computer. You’ll probably notice that these areas are warmer than the ambient temperature. If you’re using a typical desktop PC to read this article, you may also hear the computer’s internal fan humming away…

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Innovative Strategies for Businesses to Reduce Their Carbon Footprint in 2024

Greenhouse gases, or GHGs, are a significant concern among environmentally aware consumers. To address this, companies are scrambling to reduce their carbon footprint with such tools ranging from carbon removal projects to energy-efficient rugged mini PCs. Businesses have also placed emerging…

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Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things: The New Industrial Revolution

The practice of using electronic sensors in manufacturing goes back to the 1960s. However, the advent of the Internet and the greater connectivity that it brings has also brought a revolution to the industrial sector known as the Internet of Things.  Now, factory machinery, assembly lines, and…

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The Ultimate Guide to Exporting Medical Devices: Best Practices for 2024

Healthcare is a global and ever-growing industry, especially as the world population ages. While this presents opportunities for medical device and equipment manufacturers looking to export abroad, numerous hurdles—differing healthcare systems, government bureaucracies, and product compliance—can…

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Ubiquitous and Reliable: Why Modern Computers Use VESA Mounts

If you’ve ever attached a new TV, monitor, or all-in-one PC to a mount or stand, you’ve probably had to secure it by inserting screws in four holes in the back. What you may not realize is that this mount is a critical part of any AIO PC or monitor’s design and comes with its own set of standards…

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Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of DC Power in Computer Peripherals

Modern hospitals are more reliant than ever on electronic devices for delivering healthcare. This doesn’t just include larger equipment like diagnostic machines or surgery tools but also smaller devices like mini PCs, printers, barcode scanners, and more. All of these devices require power to…

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The Benefits of Using Telehealth Kiosks to Help Vulnerable Groups

One of the greatest challenges for developing nations or those trying to serve rural communities is delivering effective healthcare to their constituents. For people in underdeveloped areas or those with inconsistent access to healthcare providers, getting even the basics of healthcare can be an…

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